
WaterSports Platform

Sailings with Windstar include a lot of special amenities, but one of our most fun (and unique) is the Watersports Platform, which allows guests easy access to the ocean around them.
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The platform exists on each of our six yachts and includes unlimited use of all water sports equipment including stand up paddle boarding, kayaking, snorkel equipment, sailing, swimming, water skiing, and windsurfing. If that all sounds like too much work for your vacation, a large foam flotation island is often unfurled into the sea, allowing guests to lounge, casually swim, and take in the view around them.

Use of the Platform is always weather permitting and only takes place in certain ports during each of our journeys in select regions. (check with the crew once on board for more details on where and when the platform will be open).

And don’t forget, there’s NO need to bring snorkel equipment on many Windstar cruises! We provide complimentary masks, fins, and snorkels during your first afternoon on board, so you can take that equipment with you when you’d like to go exploring on your own (or with a designated shore excursion). It even comes in a handy mesh bag. One less thing you have to pack when heading to paradise!

Have you had any fun experiences with our platforms or energetic watersports crew to share? Leave them in the comments!

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9 years ago

In general – are the water sports open in Tortola?

Reply to  Sarah
9 years ago

Hi Sarah,
Yes, typically the water sports is open in Tortola (dependent on weather of course).
Windstar Cruises

Brian Krueger
9 years ago

What type of boat is used for water skiing? Is it open to beginners or only those more experienced? Is there any cost for this?

Reply to  Brian Krueger
9 years ago

Hi Brian, they are sport boats…different brands on each yacht…but strong enough to pull wake boards and water skiers. It is open to all guest and no charge.

Graeme Hindley
9 years ago

Hi I’m going on philipsburg cruise in February. Can you tell me which ports normal have platform out please? I’m a keen water skier and wake boarder. Is there normally a long wait to get outbox the ski boat and do u have mono skis on the boat? Thanks. G

Reply to  Graeme Hindley
9 years ago

HI Graeme,
Normally seven out of nine ports have the water platform available: every port but Philipsburg. However, it is not written in stone and highly depends on the weather conditions.

Graeme Hindley
9 years ago

Hi I’m going on philipsburg cruise in February. Can you tell me which ports normal have platform out please? I’m a keen water skier and wake boarder. Is there normally a long wait to get outbox the ski boat and do u have mono skis on the boat? Thanks. G

Sheila Rutledge Harding
9 years ago


We’ll be in Tahiti in late February. Which stops usually have the water platform available? Thanks.

Sheila H.

Reply to  Sheila Rutledge Harding
9 years ago

Hello Sheila, water sports platform is open for guests when the yacht is at anchor and the weather allows. Here are ports in French Polynesia where Wind Spirit is normally anchored: Cook’s Bay, Taha’a, Vaitape, Fare.

Laquita Phillips
Reply to  Windstar Cruises
6 years ago

Can you tell me if there is a sailboat on Tahiti cruise. I saw pics of one. Is there a time limt for taking sport boats out? How far from anchorage are you allowed to go.

Laquita Phillips
Reply to  Windstar Cruises
6 years ago

That is great but that doesn’t
answer either of my questions.

9 years ago

We will be on the February 27th cruise starting in St. Martin. We are certified divers and would like to know more about the scuba offered during the cruise.

Reply to  Karen
9 years ago

Hello Karen,

Star Breeze is equipped with a retractable aft marina that is lowered to give our guests private access to the sea while the ship is at anchor and conditions permit. 1- and 2-tank dives are available for certified divers in: Isla de Coiba (Panama), Quepos (Costa Rica), Bahia Drake (Costa Rica). Proof of Certification and Log Book required for certified dives.

Reply to  Windstar Cruises
6 years ago

Is this done on each cruise , do not see it on the cruise itinery

9 years ago

Are there stand up paddle boards in windsurf cruise?

Reply to  Marilyn
9 years ago

Hello Marilyn,
Yes, there are paddle boards, as well as kayaks, canoes, snorkeling equipment, and water trampoline.

Peter Goodin
8 years ago

We are on the wind star in the grenadine in Dec. What ports is the platform generally in use?
Thanks, pj

Eric Whitley
8 years ago

This is absolutely _brilliant_.

A Brian Herzig
6 years ago

Can you explain how the water skiiing works on a windsurf that is going from St Marteen to St Marteen on Dec 15-22, 2018

Kirk DuBois
6 years ago

Is scuba still available on the Winstar in Tahit? If so, is there an additional charge (for someone that is certified?)

Jenny Page
6 years ago

We are on the Starpride out of SanJuan 12/21-12/29 and I’m trying to schedule some dives but have a hard time coordinating with local dive shops as I don’t know exactly what time we get into the various ports and how to get to the dive shops or where they can pick us up. I called windstar and they were not very helpful but I’m hoping you can help me get some dives scheduled before departure date! Does this cruiseship have the watersport platform?

6 years ago

Are there life jackets and floatation devices for less than strong swimmers?

douglas bachman
5 years ago

We are going on the 7 day Tahiti cruise in April 18 2019. We would like to try the Discover Scuba program and noticed on the excursions that it seems to involve an introduction dive. Can we learn the introduction essentials on the Watersports platform first so we can have a regular dive in the Discover Scuba excursion?

3 years ago

Does the Windstar Star Breeze have a water sport platform?

Felicia Brooks
3 years ago

I am going on the Croatia Italy cruise Classic Italy and the Dalmation coast. How many paddle boards are there on board and how many ports are we allowed to use the water toys? Thanks

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