Windstar power yacht


Windstar Crew member Hidayat Muslich Noor.

Name: Hidayat, Muslich Noor

Title: Room Attendant

Where’s home? Surakarta, Central Java and Martapura, South Borneo

How long have you been with Windstar? I’ve started with Windstar in 2004/2005, when I still had my hair.

What previous job did you especially like? I was a diamond cutter

What do you like about your job with Windstar? Seeing different cultures, hearing different languages

What does your work have you doing on a daily basis? Providing cleanliness and complete set-up of the staterooms

Why is this important to others at Windstar? First impression of the staterooms will last and it will reflect to other parts of the ship

Do you interact with guests? If so, what is your best guest story? A couple of weeks ago, I had guests, Dave and Jane. They stayed with us for 2 cruises and have been married for more than 30 years. Dave was diagnosed with an illness that his doctors said he would only have 3 to 4 years to live. They sold their home and moved closer to their daughter so it is easy for Dave to control his health. They told me they might never travel overseas again since it is hard for them to carry their luggage. I did my best to make them happy. As we might never see each other again.

Tell us about a time when you had fun at work. Performing with my band for the crew show is always fun.

Tell us about a time when you helped out a co-worker. Helping my colleague when she got her fingers cut, and blood was everywhere. My first aid training was very helpful.

Tell us about a time when a co-worker helped you out: When manpower was short, the Housekeeping Department is the best for teamwork.

Favorite cruising region? Asia

Favorite place to travel to? Mainland China/ learning Kung Fu

Favorite travel story? Thomas Raffles, History of Java

Favorite food? Anything cooked by my Mom 

Favorite sport or hobby?  Touring with my bike across every island of Indonesia

Favorite movie? The Godfather

Pets? Cats (21) most are stray cats, who have been mistreated by humans or abandoned on the streets

Ever met anyone famous on board? In your travels? Andrea Ianone, during Ferrari Charter

Do you volunteer? Have a favorite charity? A good background story? My friends and I built a shelter for children with HIV, and it is still running

Education/training background? Archaeology, but left it in my 3rd semester

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