As the clock resets a new year at the stroke of midnight, new experiences eagerly beckon travelers to discover lands not yet known to them. We asked our favorite fans their travel resolutions for 2018, see if your plans match up with your fellow Windstar cruisers.
Wise Words to Sail By
To feel free…..the open road, water, and air……everything that is visible, achievable, and memorable……always keep in mind a quote from a bathroom stall; “for God’s sake TRAVEL!”.
~ Debi W. (Facebook)

My 2018 resolution, a 2nd Windstar trip in 2019!
~ Ellen R. (Facebook)
A little pre mature, but I’m planning on celebrating my 60th birthday in 2022 with your help on a Windstar cruise of the Greek Islands. T minus 744 days! ?
~ Andrew M. (Facebook)

Tahiti Time!
Tahiti on the Wind Spirit in April in celebration of my husband’s birthday (our third Windstar adventure), and then Norway in October. Life is short, enjoy as much as you can.
~ Mary M. (Facebook)
Will be flying to Tahiti in May and sailing on the Wind Spirit for 12 days celebrating our 30th wedding anniversary….can’t wait!!
~ Linda G. (Facebook)

If money and time were no object, next year I would book a trip to Tahiti because #Windstar #bucketlist #1.
~ Karen P. (Twitter)
#thiscolombianeatsandtravels would book a cruise on #windstarcruises to Tahiti and then a second cruise from Colon to Barbados and continue on a transatlantic from Barbados to Lisbon on #starbreeze.
~ Kiki A @colombianfoodie (Instagram)
Asia – Cruise to Roam then Float Home
We joyfully start 2018 on Star Legend on Jan 6 for 28 days through SE Asia….and then return to her once again Apr 24 for a cruise around Japan. We decided to “float home” rather than flying home so we finish in Seward, Alaska in mid-May. As our first venture into Asia, we’re visiting 8 countries with Windstar and one on our own. It will be extra special to visit countries from where many of the crew call home!
~ Bonnie H. (Facebook)
In mid-January @anitasfeast and I hope to be on Windstar’s Icons of Southeast Asia cruise from Hong Kong to Bangkok. This is one of the James Beard Collection cruises, and we know we and all of the guests are in for fabulous food and shore excursions. We can’t wait to try every food offered, a great way to learn about Vietnamese and Thai culture. Looking forward to the trip ??
~Tom F. (Instagram)
Start the New Year off right with good friends and a 14 day Caribbean sail on Wind Surf. Third time for us and still get excited!
~ Charlene Carbone (Facebook)
My travel resolution for 2018 is to find a hidden gem on the island of Roatan. Visit a place that might soon go out of existence ( global warming is on its tip right now ).
~ Roatan Dilbert Tours @DilbertTours (Twitter)

European Envy
We’ll be going to Iceland, sailing the North Atlantic and along the Eastern coast of Canada in August, looking forward to it, just love Windstar.
~ Vicky T. (Facebook)
Portugal and Spain this April! Seeking the local experiences. #windstarcruises
~ Paul M. (Instagram)
Going back to Costa Rica but would love to visit the Baltics.
~ Dana F. (Instagram)

Greece in May with you! ?
~ loisblake (Instagram)
Riviera Romance on Wind Surf in July and Leeward Islands on Star Pride in December. Windstar the only way to travel.
~ louisehalter (Instagram)
I want to go travel to Northern Europe, and/or Asia in 2018!
~ KeraTravels (Twitter)

We are Booked!! Europe summer 2018, here we come!!
~ Katie F. (Twitter)
I would book a cruise to the Mediterranean, because of all the different countries I could visit in 1 trip!
~ Amy R. (Instagram)

Fill Up YOUR Travel Bucket!
We also asked you to dream big! What’s your answer to this big question?
If money and time were no object, next year I would book a trip to _____ because ______ ”)
Tahiti, because… Tahiti!
~ Joe M. (Twitter)
I’d spend a month exploring Australia and then a week chilling at a private island in Fiji because I want to master surfing in 2018!
~ Stacy H. (Twitter)
Singapore. I have never been there.
~ Pam B.(Twitter)
Ireland and Scotland because of its scenery and history.
~ David I. (Twitter)